Vector Raster
Geographic Information Synthesis (VR GIS 64)™
July, 2011
Ivan Lee Herring
The VR GIS 64 Project is being rewritten from VR GIS™. VR GIS 64 programs at SourceForge have been released as a 32 bit small screen Beta version, then will be released as 64 bit large screen and memory Alpha versions, then as a final version. VR GIS is static and VR GIS 64 is dynamically changing. Except the program names.. AFAIK. The networking code (Drones, etc) never worked right and is omitted in VR GIS 64 (available as source code only- not compiled- it does not work as intended). The Remote Control program will be enhanced and developed as it can remotely control another computer on your network.
DTM 32 bit Re-released as of July 2011.
- VR GIS™: Vector Raster Geographic Information Synthesis. VR GIS 64 is the name of the Sourceforge project and the Project Manager System for the other VR GIS 64 programs.
To compile a programs source code, a Delphi version 5 or later compiler and components described in the program html file included in the release are required. The OpenGL 3d display for all programs is enabled with the GLScene component.
- Vector: VOICE™ : Vector Overlay Information Classification Extrapolation. 2D vector data.. [ESRI® Shape .shp files (
shapefile.pdf)] .shp file display.
- Tracer™: A Digitizing program to trace maps or photos into data files using a digitizer puck while manipulating menus with the mouse and keyboarding attributes into a database. The GCTP projection source code (converted to Delphi pascal), which is used by several programs is in the buz common folders release.
- Raster: GRIP ICE™ Geographic Raster Image Processor : Investigate Classify Extract. Satelite imagery or aerial photography of the terrain.
- Tongs™ has been stripped of all the database and image processing functions. Cropping, resizing, and functions that physically change the image are available to preprocess an image. Tongs™ was a conglomeration of code I gathered and combined. While interesting, I no longer find a need to have a zillion ways to do the same image processing function. The searching and database portions will be moved into ILH. The VR GIS version will remain as is, just not in the VR GIS 64 version.
- An Image Processor that explains and does FFT: IPTool by Joel Gustavo Frojmowicz and Luís Santos
is no longer online :( as of 2011... and so will be included and called from GRIP ICE. I thought the FFT explanation was excellent, I learned why what I was doing with FFT code was not working... FFT cannot do that.
- Geographic: DTM™ Digital Terrain Mapping: Digital Elevation Data processing and viewer. DEM data is processed into a compressed file that stores smaller and is read rapidly by the GLScene viewer. Processing is available for all formats AFAIK and the major formats are set for Push of a button processing of the complete set. (not anymore, as of july2011. Working on writing code for Geotiff (Epic Fail))
- Information: ILH™: Information Locatable Holographics™ provide preview-conversion-organization of Raster, Vector and Meta data. Raster images - photographs to be processed, categorized, and located. on a 2D Vector display. The coverage..extents of Geographic imagery and Vector data per type and Resolution. 3D Metadata display of Vector Raster data. What exactly that is is yet to be determined.
- A roamable Solar system display of data - right clickable for metadata, a globular {glob not globe} TIN of inter-related information, a 'point cloud' of hypertext ... TBD although all are OBE.
- A.B. Creator D. E. ABCDE creates and views solar systems. Input choices and view the planets in 3D
- Heliocentric Orrery Planetarium simple digital 3D Orrery. HOP displays our solar system to view the planets in 3D. Sliders control the rate of revolution. Pick a planet to have it become your 'geocentric' view.
- Programs that require the Borland BDE database engine and the .dll's included with VR GIS [Voice, Tongs, I Locatable H, DTM, SOS MAP] will be rewritten and any BDE required portion will become part of ILH. At times afresh install works... search for bde510en.exe and try that version of the BDE.
- The dll files included with VR GIS 64 will have a batch file to place them in the desired directory. They are:
- (Patrick Van Laake: DSpatial GIS Components hd415m.dll, hm415m.dll).
The dll files are used by several component programs and rather than have them conflict, a single installation will be required
- Synthesis: SOS MAP™ :Surreal Object Synthesis Multimedia Analysis Product.
3D Viewer for VR GIS... The 3D viewing of DTM will be implemented here, while Data processing will remain- changes be implemented- as DTM.
Surreal Object Synthesis: Object morphology having x,y,z,t coordinates and attributes.
Produce Elevation Tints, Slope Tints, Contours, Line of Sight, LOS Masked Areas, overlay multiple layers of shape objects (.shp) iaw Geographic Projection, and 3D Flyby Perspective Views.
Multimedia Analysis Product: Synthesize a model paradigm from Vector and Raster image-object-data. Drape image layers on DEM, place shapes (Hydro: streams..lakes, Vegetation: grass..trees, Transportation: trails..roads, Urban: houses..buildings, moving objects..etc...) and go on 3D Fly-by of Perspective Views. Perform modeling of physical processes. Virtual Visualization Voxels. Modeled procedures, VOICE .. GRIP ICE .. DTM interaction relation.
- VR Subsets: will be incorporated as Subsets of SOS MAP
- 2D Maze Generator viewed in 3D
- AStar Pathfinder and Base Map Generator
- Atoms in Stereo. 3D raster image histograms, Panoramic viewers, glTIP, ...
- and many other program portions will be removed and become individual programs... packaged with SOS MAP
Media .. Data just to get started... sites come and go...
- Raster DEM
- ASTER Global GDEM 30m 1 arc-second 171.3G zipped ...DTM CANNOT process GEOTIFF files... ( Working on writing code for Geotiff (Epic Fail as of July 2011)) FWTools can read Geotiff and export as binary, maybe even batch processing of the ASTER DEM.
- SRTM 90m 3 Arc-Seconds Digital Elevation Database v4.1 14Gig zipped Get the Arc ASCII ...DTM CANNOT (yet..ever) process GEOTIFF files... then go to /SRTM_v41/SRTM_Data_ArcASCII ...and Good luck, it is a busy place it seems (as of June 2011). Filezilla downloaded files - however they were trashed along the way due to rampant-intermittent outages. I printed out a map and downloaded manually (from a mirror site).
- SRTM30 Plus : a combination of SRTM, GTopo and Ocean data. The land data is 30 Arc-Second while the Ocean data is from ~1AS with additional higher resolution data added in as it becomes available. Be advised that the files are NOT compressed so the download is ~ 1,866 Megabytes, however ftp works well.
- noaa ETOPO1 is a 1 arc-minute and or ~320M zip "Historic ETOPO2v2 and ETOPO5 : 2 and 5 arc-minute are available but deprecated- use discouraged." They are still usefull for VR GIS 64... Get them while you can? ~72M, ETOPO5.DOS ~18M
- CleanTOPO2 and other data CleanTOPO2 is a touched up and generalized version of SRTM30 Plus at ~2AS in TIF format: ~70M zipped ...although DTM CANNOT (yet-ever) process GEOTIFF files... It seems to be a strange unsigned integer
Etopo1,2,5 Gtopo, Globe, and Stopo (SRTM30 Plus) can be processed by running the .tpcfg file. They take from 30 seconds to a few minutes to process into a htf file. (your times may vary on your cpu) (After the files for ASTER and cgiar srtm3 V4 are downloaded a menu choice is to create .tpcfg files for them - they still have to be processed into .bii files before they are made into a htf - the .tpcfg files are ~1.5 Meg) cgiar srtm3 (90m) v4.1 takes several minutes per file to process from Ascii into a .bii file. 872 files would take several days to process all at once...
The circumference of the earth at the equator is 24,901.55 miles (40,075.16 kilometers).
360x60 = 21600 arc-minute, 40,075 / 21600 = 1.855 K
- Raster Images
- True Marble™ 15 meter for sale, 32Km, 16,8,4,2,1,500M, 250M Free : We only ask that you display our copyright and reference this page when using it. True Marble by
Unearthed Outdoors, LLC is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 United States License.
- Free NASA Landsat , some Global mosaics (false color tho)... although some are in Mr SID, HDF, Geotif and other esoteric formats rather than simple binary raster files. FWTools can read Geotiff and other formats... i sure can not.
- Links to free Media: Gamespy and its subsidiaries were-are the historical sites... Times change and the new owners are more focused on the new games, it seems. Many actors are not actually there... Gamefront has more and they are downloadable. Their md2 selection is limited tho.
- Textures: paul bourke textures"These textures may be freely used as backgrounds, textures in 3D scenes, parts of images, etc but they may not be redistributed as (or part of) a texture collection. " ..
lemog textures ... off line .. Google Textures
- Textures may need to be made tileable.. if the edges do not match. A Seamless tile maker is included in AStar. Steve Harman has a Seamless Tile image processing application sTile99 at Torry's :
- Status - actually of VR GIS - VR GIS 64
- Voice, Tracer, Grip, and Tongs are stable. DTM was split in half : DTM and SOS MAP. SOS MAP has many sub-programs that are individually developed - Not launched from the SOS MAP menu. ILH: Image Locatable Holographics is being developed-consolidated from portions of programs that require the Borland DB, and other items of interest in maintaining the status of data - what .. where .. when... although not ready for release yet. VR GIS is barely anything as what it is continually changes.. and the Remote-Drones crashed and burned. ILH contains the Borland BDE and DLLs installation.
VR GIS VR GIS links to information and similar software... not updated and thus full of dead-disappeared links.
- VR GIS may be VR but it is not VRML, XML, X3D, MOO, MUD, "Google Earth", "QuickTime VR", nor ___.
- All of these programs are being rewritten. The source will be in Delphi or
FreePascal / Lazarus depending on each programs requirements - maybe both for some. These programs are transforming from a failed attempt at Shareware (No one Ever paid me - although it was pirated and cracked), to No Cost, to Open Source at Sourceforge. The OpenSource License is mixed at this time and some residual indications to the contrary of it being Open Source may exist... so as the definition of 'Open source'... it seems the more it is defined the more the definition becomes impossible to understand.. and/or comply to. These programs have source code, do not use the Registry (each makes a Program Options File .pof: a simple text file to store program options, directories, form locations, etc) and are not 'installed', although an INSO Install per release is ?planned?.. or not.
- Installation: Create the Base Directory and Move the zip file to that location, at the base of a drive is suggested (I use F:) Unzip the file there, (the programs are contained-zipped within their folder). Move the dll files to their required location or use the batch files to do that.
- There is No installation Registry usage, to Uninstall - delete the directory. There is No file association as the images can be viewed by other programs-browsers and the data files will normally require additional processing or loaded as groups of files. yeah, it was too complicated to figure out in a changing environment.
- IF individual programs are selected rather than the complete package a similar directory structure will need to be made. Make a directory for VRGIS64 and place the individual zip files there, then unzip them.
- Projects: sundry (data) files will probably be in their own release within their Projects Group, as they will not change as often as the actual application and source files. The zipped data is very large.
- ILH and several of the SOS MAP subset programs will have a separate zipped data as the data is Large.
- The buz and common directories should be at the same level as the program directories and are zipped inside a folder (Required for source compilation)
- buz : The converted to Delphi GCTP projection source code.
- common : source used by all programs
- icons (source compilation)
- License (GLP, MPL, individual program licenses, etc)
- Projects (the data used by ALL the programs, to be used as demo-tutorial-testing)
- actually there are many folders in the Projects folder and some have many sub-folders, depending on the data type
- vrgis64_html (the html for the programs)
- License
- The OpenSource License is GPL 3 or
MPL 1.1 unless the source code file indicates another type of license (leave notice in file alone and/or indicate gratitude in documentation). For those of us that do not understand all that legal stuff, a Historical Permission Notice and Disclaimer License is included below.
- None of the Demo data is released from this Project by me. Most of the data has an original author or artist and their instructions on obtaining the data.
- Historical Permission Notice and Disclaimer License
- Copyright © 2011 by Ivan Lee Herring. All Rights Reserved.
- Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies, and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting documentation, and that the name of Ivan Lee Herring or "related entities" not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of the software without specific, written prior permission. Ivan Lee Herring makes no representations about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty.
- The communication or transfer of any information received with this product may be subject to specific government export approval. User shall adhere to all applicable laws, regulations and rules relating to the export or re-export of technical data or products to any proscribed country listed in such applicable laws, regulations and rules unless properly authorized. The obligations under this paragraph shall survive in perpetuity.
- Component Libraries used in VR GIS 64:
- GLScene
Mozilla Public License 1.1 (MPL 1.1)
- graphics32
Mozilla Public License 1.1 (MPL 1.1) or LGPL
- Some will be zipped with their source as : Missing Components, as they are no longer on the net...
- Gordon Alex Cowie III fast imaging components
- and actually several others that will be listed when i discern their use and names
June 2011
Tachyon Unit
Copyright © 1991..2011 by Ivan Lee Herring