This page updated: April, 2011
DTM 2D viewer Menu
- A drop down Palette loader is available on the toolbar. The toolbar icons are Open, Exit, HTF Grid, LatLong Grid, Palette, and Navigator. A Hint box area displays status, etc...
- DTM Menu: File View Tools Help
- File: Open HTF, Program Options, Set Ecotype Colors; HTF Pack, Dem Db List, Image Maker; Exit
- These all open another form to further process data.
- Open HTF: select a .htf file to load.
- Program Options: Program and data directories, DTM options are duplicated here and in DTP Project... Each project can be saved with the correct parameters [HTF Palette utility, Contour density, Slope Direction].
- Set Ecotype Colors: Set the Colors and data attributes.
- HTF Pack: Process Digital Elevation Model (DEM) data into compressed data files. Process DEM data into .bits and .tpcfg files for HTF processing. Make Projection .vrp files for Htf's, Images, bits and other uses. RIF: Process Raster Image data into compressed data files....rif and .ipcfg files
- Dem Db List: Process database of DEM file data into .shp, .tpcfg files. Used for tracking-automating DEM processing into .bit files.
- Image Maker: Convert images into grayscale bmp's, or HTF files into color bmp's, or either into reduced size subsets of the image or HTF. Display result as a 3D GL heightfield. Given a 24 bit image: count all the pixels and make a .rs3 file for use in 3D RGB Cube viewer. Resize an Image(s). Convert an image into multiple tiles. Create Elevation Tint and Ecotype color texture files for a HTF, Create a Flipped Htf:
- 'Flip' a currently loaded .HTF file so it can be used as the 3D LOD ROAM .. see Program Options. When viewed in 2D the .HTF appears like a 'map' when viewed as a 3D LOD ROAM it is drawn right to left... thus the landscape appears 'flipped'... to avoid this it is possible to create a 'flipped' .HTF file so 1 can be viewed in 2D and the other viewed in 3D. The single tile and screen tile views do not require this.. they are heightfields with all data in memory at the same time... only the 3D LOD ROAM viewer (it can roam over the terrain loading the data as it is required... thus an area larger than memory capacity can be viewed... although not all at once).
- View: NAV Map, HTF Grid; Autorange Palette, Select Auto Color; Elevation Tint, Slope Tint (s), Contour Line (s), LOS Masked Area; Ecotype Colors; Line Of Sight
- HTF Nav Map: Select the area to view from a reduced image of the HTF.
- HTF Grid: Toggle the grid display
- --------(Base Texture : Select one at a time)----
- Elevation Tint: Display elevations as color ranges
- Slope Tint: Display (North) slopes as red
- Slope Directional 0..9: multicolor Slope Direction variation.
- Slope Directional 9..0: multicolor Slope Direction variation.
- Slope (Set) Direction: 1 Direction color.
- Slope Percent: Color per angle.
- Contour Lines: Display contours as color lines
- Contour Lines Fill: Solid areas.
- 7 Contour Lines: 7 statistical ranges.
- LOS Line AtoB... Select Start and End... then a form will pop up to display a side view
- ??dtm or SOS?? Line Of Sight: Starts the process of selecting 2 points From..To for the display of the Line of Sight (selected view displayed on another form) (from... Pixel Profile, efg, September 1998, www.efg2.com/lab).
- LOS Masked Area: Selecting the Central point will display the areas of visibility around that point
- Ecotype Colors: Evaluates Elevation, Slope per choices on Ecotype Colors form to determine the Ecotype and assign the color. (Slow.. set parameters in [File/Set Ecotype Colors Menu] .. form)
- Tools: Plato Path Builder
- Help... Contents, On Help, Me, About
Copyright © 1991..2011 by Ivan Lee Herring